Saturday, December 8, 2012

Stephanie's Pigs in a blanket casserole

Going back in time, October 2012 was quite busy! I was preparing for Liz and Dave's Wedding by creating her baby book and their romance book. Which I gave them as wedding gifts. I am honored to say I also made Liz's wedding bouquet and veil. Both took so much time along with a lot of love. I am so proud of my baby girl and the woman she has become!

Ti & Fuzzy visiting Colorado Springs 2012
During October 2012, Dave and I were blessed with reuniting with one of my closest high school friends and her husband. Ti and Fuzzy came to Colorado Springs to say "hi" and spend some time with  my sister Terri and her husband, Steve. Steve and I sat together in homeroom in high school! I introduced them to each other 42 years ago!!! Ti and Terri became fast friends as well and Ti is Jenna's Godmother!

Terri Lynn Wilklow Wiebke
When I was a child, one of  my favorite meals was Pigs In a Blanket. It is actually ground meat with rice and seasoning rolled in cabbage leaves. Closed with tooth picks and then cooked in tomato sauce. YUMMY! I love the flavors but I have a dickens with finding the time to make it. I then found out that my husband, Dave, also loved cabbage rolls. So I came up with this recipe which combines all the flavors of the original pigs in a blanket but without all the work!

Pigs in a Blanket Casserole:

1 medium head of cabbage - core and thickly sliced
1 lb lean ground beef
1 lg onion - diced
2 tbsp olive oil
2 cups of cooked rice - season heavy
2 eggs
1 cup shredded carrots
1 tbsp kosher salt
1 tbsp ground pepper
3 cans tomato soup
1 tbsp worchestershire sauce
2 tbsp ketchup

Slice up cabbage in thick slices. Blanch cabbage in salted boiling water for about 3-5 minutes. Remove and set aside. Combine meat, eggs, rice, shredded carrots, salt, pepper together in a bowl. Form into oval balls and set aside. Mix together soup, worchestershire sauce, and ketchup. Pour 1/2 the mixture into a casserole dish. Place a layer of cabbage slices on top. Now add the oval formed meat shapes on top. Place the remaining cabbage slices between and on top of the meat and then cover with the remaining soup. Cover with foil (always with the shinny part down) on top of the casserole dish or cover with glass lid. Bake at 350* for 1 hr. You might need to place a catch baking sheet underneath as it might bubble and spill into the over. If you prefer, remove lid or foil about baking for 40 minutes.

Scoop our cabbage leaves and a meat form together then drizzle with sauce.

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